To the editor:

Although most of your August 6 editorial, "Making the Gaza Cease-Fire Last," was typically misguided, there was a glimmer of understanding that the key to the puzzle is the de-terrorization of Gaza. If this is not achieved, there will be yet another, more lethal round within a few years, with more loss of life and property and with the additional billions of international aid to be poured into Gaza again wasted.

Save Gaza from Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Fatah and the other terror groups running rampant and it can become the Mediterranean island paradise it should be. Fail to do so and the blood of the next round will be on the heads of those who could have helped but buried their heads in the sand.

However, we should not let Gaza continue to divert our attention from the far more dangerous problem of Hezbollah's rocket arsenal and network of tunnels in Lebanon, a terror infrastructure which dwarf's that in Gaza.


Alan Stein