To the editor:

Mairav Zonszein writes "How Israel Silences Dissent," but she would have given a far more accurate picture if she had written an article about the pervasiveness of dissent in Israel, or "How Hamas Silences Dissent" (by murdering the dissenters), or "How the 'Moderate' Mahmoud Abbas Silences Dissent" (by arresting the dissenters.

Dissent per capita is probably far more prevalent in Israel, even during times when rockets from Gaza are raining down in Sderot, Beersheva and Tel Aviv, than it is here in America.

The saying is "two Jews, three opinions." Zonszein may think "Israelis increasingly seem unwilling to listen to criticism;" if so, it's only because they're too busy with their own criticisms to listen to others.


Alan Stein