To the editor:

The lies and distortions in Maen Rashid Areikat's letter, supporting The New York Times' misguided editorial "Mr. Abbas Gives Up on Peace," would be funny if they weren't part of a strategy ensuring continued conflict.

There is nothing logical about Mahmoud Abbas allegedly being "frustrated" with the Oslo Accords, given that he's blatantly violated all his commitments under them and has repeatedly demonstrated he has no interest in their stated purpose of peace between Israel and the Palestinian Arabs.

Abbas walked away after then Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert offered him everything way back in 2008 and, for all practical purposes, has boycotted negotiations ever since.

Not only has Abbas refused to even consider an incredibly generous peace offer, but his escalating incitement and glorification of terrorists is, minimally, indirectly responsible for the murders of four innocent Israelis in the last week alone, along with the deaths of one of their murderers and other Palestinian Arabs during the violent demonstrations resulting from his rhetoric.

As an Israeli, I'm angered by the way Abbas not only closes the door on every opportunity for peace but then places the blame on us.

As an American, I'm angered by the insulting way Abbas rejects and effectively mocks the efforts of my government, even when they're heavily weighted in his favor.


Alan Stein