To the editor:

Anytime I see Hanan Ashrawi's byline, I expect to read a skewed perspective filled with misinformation and disinformation. Ms. Ashrawi was certainly in character in her op-ed, "Shimon Peres: The Peacemaker Who Wasn’t," defaming that super dove while his grave is still warm.

Ashrawi dismisses Israel's repeated, overly generous offers to give the Palestinian Arabs another state in virtually all the disputed territory, land to which Israel has at least as great a legal, moral and historical claim as the Palestinians.

She holds the Palestinians totally blameless and fails to mention the way, at the very beginning of the Oslo process, Yasser Arafat assured his people it would be like Muhammad and Quraish; in other words, he would use the Oslo agreements to destroy Israel. She fails to mention the ubiquitous Palestinian terror attacks, including bus bombings and attacks on adults, teenagers and children at discotheques, pizza parlors and Passover seders.

Shimon Peres and every other Israeli leader went the extra mile to make peace with the Palestinian Arabs, but they can't force the Palestinians to be partners in peace rather than mortal enemies.

Ashrawi continues to do a disservice not only to truth, but to her own people.


Alan Stein