To the editor:

Contrary to the assertion in the misguided editorial "A Dangerous Choice for Ambassador to Israel," locating the American embassy in Israel's capital would in no way "tip the scale for Israel" if the Palestinian Arabs ever return to the negotiating table they ran away from in 2008.

The editorial is also incorrect in asserting support for the so-called "two-state solution" has been American policy for decades. Two decades ago, American policy still opposed another Palestinian Arab state. That long-standing opposition was reversed much more recently, in 2002 by President George W. Bush. At that time, he gave Yasser Arafat an undeserved reward at the height of the terror offensive Arafat planned even before rejecting peace at Camp David in 2000.

Allowing fear of Arab terrorism to determine the location of America's Israeli embassy is a case of the tail wagging the dog. Decades of trying to appease the Palestinian Arabs has been a dismal failure. Perhaps the time has come to stop giving in to their terror tantrums and start treating them like adults.


Alan Stein