To the editor:

President Obama broke much new ground in not only failing to veto, but apparently colluding with the disgraceful and immoral Security Council resolution condemning Israel for all building beyond the temporary 1949 armistice lines.

He went back on his word. Rather than having the back of our only true friend in the Middle East, he stabbed Israel in the back. As a lame duck president, he not only made a major reversal in American foreign policy, he did so against the strong wishes of the incoming president, something virtually unprecedented in American history.

According to the resolution, it's illegal under international law for Jews to build homes in the Jewish Quarter of their own capital city!

The United Nations, born with so much hope in the aftermath of World War II, is now an active purveyor of anti-Semitism, and our government at best stood by; at worst and apparently more accurately, offered encouragement.

We have strongly disagreed with some actions of every president who has served in our lifetimes; never before have we been ashamed of an American president.


Marsha and Alan Stein
Natick, Massachusetts