To the editor:

The New York Times is correct that "All of Islam Isn't the Enemy," but the Muslim Brotherhood is both an enemy and a foreign terrorist organization with ties to highly questionable American groups. Pretending otherwise, as The Times recommends, doesn't serve American interests; rather, it reduces respect for America and emboldens our enemies around the world.

Just because the Brotherhood supposedly "renounced violence decades ago" doesn't mean anything. Yasser Arafat and the PLO "solemnly" renounced terrorism, in writing, in 1993, but then dramatically increased its terror activity. Today, it continues to pretend it's no longer a terrorist group even while its Al Aksa Martyrs Brigade takes credit for brutal terror attacks, it spends over $100 million a year rewarding terrorists and it names public squares, sports stadiums and soccer tournaments in their honor.

Intellectual honesty, even in diplomacy, is not necessarily a bad thing.


Alan Stein