Wedding Photo of Hannah and Solomon Stein
In remembrance of Hannah and Solomon Stein, this site contains eulogies, photographs, tributes, some of the recipes our father used when he had to cook for himself, the updates Evey (and occasionally I) wrote while our father was in the hospital and the rehab center, and some examples of our father's humor.

Most of what is on this site relates more directly to Sol, since so much of it comes from his computer. Also, at the time of Hannah's passing, most of our friends and relatives were still stuck in the twentieth century and weren't using email very much, but Sol and his Hannah were a team and everything here is a tribute to both of them.

Condolence Cards

I Remember Her

Recited by Sol at Hannah's 85th birthday, January 7, 2000

In the rising of the sun and in its going down
I remember her

In the blowing of the wind and in the chill of winter
I remember her

In the opening of buds and in the warmth of summer
I remember her

In the rusling of leaves and the beauty of autumn
I remember her

In the beginning of the year and when it ends
I remember her

When I am weary and in need of strength
I remember her

When I am lost and sick of heart
I remember her

When I have joys and yearn to share
I remember her

As long as I live she too shall live for she is part of me as
I remember her!

Mourner's Kaddish

After his Hannah died, Sol put a transliteration of the kaddish on his computer, printed it out, and said it religiously.
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