To the editor:
There are no surprises in the Gaza report from the United Nations Human Rights Council, since its conclusions were determined before the "investigation" began.
Typical of the absurd assertions in the report is something not mentioned in The New York Times article, "U.N. Panel Sees Crimes By Israel In Gaza Toll." Item 98 refers to finding "29 of those killed at the demonstration sites were members of Palestinian organized armed groups." Yet Hamas itself claimed that 50 of its own members were killed during the bloodiest day of its riots, with Islamic Jihad claiming 3 others of its own.
Thus, two terrorist groups boast that nearly twice as many of its own members were killed in a single day as the UNHRC says were killed in nearly a year of weekly riots! When the Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center has examined casualties it has been able to identify approximately 80 percent as members of terror groups.
There is a clear need for an objective investigation of the UNHRC.
Alan Stein